Changing visibility, size, stacking order, and image source with timelines

In addition to moving layers with timelines, you can change the visibility, size, and stacking order of a layer, or change the source file of an image.

1 In the Timeline inspector, do one of the following:
Select an existing keyframe marker in the bar controlling the object you want to change. (The start and end frames are keyframes.)
To create a new keyframe, click a frame in the middle of the animation bar and choose Modify > Timeline > Add Keyframe.
2 Define new properties for the keyframe by choosing one of the following options:
To change the source file of an image, click the browse button next to the Src box in the Property inspector and choose a new image.
To change the visibility of a layer, choose Show, Hide, or Inherit from the Visibility pop-up menu in the Property inspector. See also Changing layer visibility.
To change the size of a layer, drag the layer's resize handles, or enter new values in the Width and Height boxes in the Property inspector. Internet Explorer 4.0 is currently the only browser than can dynamically change the size of a layer.
To change the stacking order of a layer, enter a new value in the Z-ind field, or use the Layers inspector to change the stacking order of the current layer. See also Changing the stacking order of layers.
3 Hold down the Play button to see the animation.

The currently selected layer is always visible and at the top of the stacking order. Deselect all layers to allow the timeline to control the stacking order or visibility.